Hi! I'm glad you found this blog. Feel free to look around, but just wanted to let you know that I no longer update this blog and I'm now blogging over at Into The Glimmer. I hope you'll join me there! Cheers!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

beagle mania (not) monday + stella

meadow-beagle copy
lucy-beagle copy

It's not Monday, but I sure could use some beagle mania (plus Stella) cuteness today, you guys.

As far as Mondays go, yesterday was probably one of the worst I've had in a while. As if Mondays aren't annoying enough, I got laid off from my job yesterday afternoon (yep, on a Monday), and unfortunately the area where I live isn't exactly swelling with opportunities in my field. I'm doing my best to view this as a positive thing, but in this area, in this economy, that's sort of tough.

What it does free me up to do is some freelance work, jewelry design, and blogging, so expect some more frequent blog posts. Although, I'm (obviously) on a shopping ban since the income stream has been cut off. So now I guess I'll get creative with what I've got.

Anyway, I'm off to tweak the resume and make some jewelry. Happy un-Monday!


Brandi Hussey said...

Ohh, Christie! I'm so, so sorry to hear about your job. It's always rough, but I have no doubt you'll find something fabulous soon. Fingers crossed for you!!

RanaElizabeth said...

Are some of these taken with the iPhone? I feel like the beagle's coloring is perfectly suited to some of their photo apps.

Christine said...

Thanks, Brandi! Maybe I'll find something in California. :-)

@Rana, nope, none of these were taken with my iPhone, but I do have a bunch of pictures of the beagles on this blog that were.

Unfortunately, my iPhone crashed yesterday and I had to restore it to factory settings and the last backup I had done was in Feb, so I lost a ton of un-posted beagle pictures. Yesterday was a good day.

Kylie Mc said...

sorry to hear this. unfortunately many friends and family of mine have had the same experience over the past couple of yrs. i truly hope u find something that's right for you. until then, we'll be enjoying ur extra posts. ;)

Christine said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement, Kylie! :-)

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