Hi! I'm glad you found this blog. Feel free to look around, but just wanted to let you know that I no longer update this blog and I'm now blogging over at Into The Glimmer. I hope you'll join me there! Cheers!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pen to paper

So, Jorge Garcia has an awesome blog. I was reading back through some of his old posts and found this one. I love it. It's so true. If you want something, write it down.

I decided to try it:

1. I want to be the owner/founder/CEO of a business that synthesizes my passion for social causes (arts, environment and animals, specifically) with my love of fashion and my desire to support and promote indie artisans/designers/artists/musicians (particularly on the local level). And I want to incorporate cutting edge new media technology into the customer experience. Tall order, I know. That's what grad school is for.

2. I want to live in San Diego.

3. I want to finish my MFA summa cum laude.

4. I want a puggle (Thing 1 and Thing 2 need a Thing 3).

5. I want a potted, organic veggie garden (and some chickens).

6. I want new shoes.

7. I want the weekend. Now.

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