Hi! I'm glad you found this blog. Feel free to look around, but just wanted to let you know that I no longer update this blog and I'm now blogging over at Into The Glimmer. I hope you'll join me there! Cheers!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things I loathe

In random order:

1) People who, within a few minutes of meeting me, announce to me how great they are. If you really are that great, you'll shut your yapper and realize that I'm smart enough to figure it out. Otherwise, you just knocked yourself down about 1000 points in the greatness scale.

2) Parking lots. The bane of suburban existence. Idiots congregate here and plot their plans to destroy the world- one bad park job at a time.

3) Humidity. Mostly because it reminds me that I do not live in California. Yet.

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