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Sunday, September 19, 2010

inspiration boards:: ghost whisperer style

It's fall premiere time already (already!) and I feel the need to voice my protest that Ghost Whisperer got yanked at the end of last season and won't be returning this year.

Where will I get my romantic, vintage-style outfit inspirations?

Because seriously, as much as I loved Lost, there were no outfit inspirations to be seen on that show. Unless, you know, I plan on getting stranded on a not-so-deserted-wait-there's-a-smoke-monster-who-used-to-be-a-man-what's-this-lightsource-plugged-with-a-huge-cork-covered-in-cuneiform-THEY-DID-NOT-DIE-ON-THE-PLANE island any time soon.


I just loved Melinda Gordon's (played by Jennifer Love Hewitt) feminine style. Ghost Whisperer's story lines were nice (if we just forget about the mess that was season 4), I loved her cute little antique shop, Professor Payne was amusing and the dynamic between Melinda and Jim was refreshing (if not a little too sweet at times), but all of those were a far second to her fantastic wardrobe. So, in honor of Melinda's fabulous style, I made an inspiration board.*

*Full disclosure: This is sort of old. I made it for a project I did for grad school last semester but it's worth bringing up now, don't you think? I do. Especially since it saved me a whole bunch of time and you still get to read a blog post. See? Everybody wins.


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