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Friday, February 6, 2009

LOST theories that need to get lost

Okay, so we're three weeks/four episodes into the season five. Kudos to the writers/producers for answering more questions so far in this season than in any other season. But of course, it wouldn't be LOST if they didn't create more questions by answering others. And of course, creating questions sets LOST message boards aflame with theories, some are quite good, others are just...ridiculous.

Here are a few of my not-so-favorites from the LOST message boards I haunt:

1) Penny and Desmond's son, Charlie, is The Charlie (as in Charlie Pace, as in deader-than-dead-drowned-in-the-Hydra Charlie).
Come on, people. Let's stop reading so much into this. I realize this is LOST and they like to mess with our heads but sometimes a spade is just a spade. Or in this case, a baby. They named their baby Charlie to honor Charlie Pace's memory. Let's not even get into how this is (in any timeline) impossible since Charlie Pace was born in the 70s (80s at the latest).

Status: Debunked (thank heavens).
In last week's enhanced Jughead episode, the caption at the bottom of the screen stated they named their child Charlie to honor Charlie. So let's stop with the Widmore/Charlie/Charlie Pace is the baby theories, okay?
2) The people shooting at the left-behind Losties during the longboat scene were the O6 (in the future).
Just no. Why? Why? Why would the O6 come back to save the Losties and then start shooting at the first people they see? Doesn't seem very O6 like to me. I'll agree that the scene could be taking place in future, given the abandoned beach camp, but still "just no" to the O6 as the shooters. I'm betting it's the Others or some of Widmore's cronies.

Status: Not debunked. Yet. But very unlikely.

3) Danielle and her team will now start time jumping with the I6 (left-behind Losties).
I realize we're all excited to see Rousseau and Robert and how Montand lost his arm, but why would they start jumping around any more than any other people we've seen in different time jumps? My guess is we'll get one Rousseau-centric island episode so we can finally see her real backstory (cause you know, 2004 Rousseau was a little loopy and less than reliable). Then we'll have a flash and the I6-plus-Jin will be whisked on to their next time jumping adventure.

Status: Awaiting debunking.

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