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Sunday, March 22, 2009

With a cluck-cluck here and a cluck-cluck there...

In my boredom, I managed to concoct another semi-crazy idea. I want some chickens. Four chickens, actually. Live ones. SuperD thinks I'm nuts, and although he admits it's a good idea, he seems to think I won't take care of the chickens.

This idea sprouted from an article I read in one of my favorite magazines, Sunset, a magazine about life in the west. It's all very fashionably outdoorsy and stylishly crunchy. I get the northern California edition by default, which is almost perfect since it's close enough to southern California. To me, having chickens and growing a garden (these days, who wouldn't want to know exactly where their food comes from) is all part of the sustainable, handmade indie artisan lifestyle.

So, I want some chickens and I've already named them. Ready for this? My future feathered egg-layers are Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia. In case you don't recognize those names, just run a google search for The Golden Girls. And SuperD is wrong. I would take care of the chickens (and keep Thing 1 and Thing 2 from eating them, although we may need some assistance from Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan on that one).


sassyglassdesigns said...

We inherited some chickens last fall...they found their way to our house and never left. However, there were 7 and now there are only 2; I think the bad weather got them. They have made themselves right at home with the goats. What corn the goats leave, they eat. Yard birds are kind of cool...hope you get yours.

Leanna: said...

What a lovely idea. And now of course the image of my own white-picket fenced garden complete with little chicks is hatching in my brain.

CK said...

I have visions of tropical palm trees and other plants native to Southern California dancing in my head. All to the sound of clucking chickens with a soothing underscore of crashing waves. :-)

I think a California bungalow is the perfect place for chickens.

Drawn to The Sea said...

How funny, Christie, I've got a chicken post coming up in April. Four is a good number for chickens, trust me. You'll have fun with them. Another coincidence, we have a Blanche and a Sophia in our home ;-)

CK said...

That is funny. Dave is still saying no to chickens. We won't be able to have them where we currently live anyway, but when eventually have a yard (preferably one with palm trees), I want some chickens!

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